Cris and Clare Meyers


Cris and Clare Meyers

Cris and Clare Meyers

Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2017

  • Country

    United States

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Cris and Clare are born and raised in the Midwest. They have been avid readers all their lives and found each other in college. Both of them worked on independent writing projects over the years, so when the concept for an urban fantasy series came to them over dinner one night, they decided to combine their efforts to tell that story.

Their paranormal urban fantasy series, Criminal Elements, follows a set of magic wielding and shapeshifting criminals. Magic in the criminal underworld changes the stakes and ups the ante.

You can connect with Cris and Clare on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. They regularly post lines from their works in progress during the weekly writing events. Check them out for updates on their writing, their upcoming releases, and other random tidbits.


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